Chemistry towards Biology conference series

Dear colleague,

The Central European Conference series "Chemistry towards Biology" was initiated in 2002 in Portoroz, Slovenia, to promote the exchange of scientific results, methods and ideas and encourage cooperation between researchers working in the interconnecting fields of chemistry and biology -primarily- but not exclusively in Central Europe. The events welcome chemists working on biology-related problems, biologists using chemical methods, students and other researchers of the respective areas that fall within the common scope of chemistry and biology.

The theme of this year's Conference will be "Biomolecules as potential drugs", covering topics from metallodrugs and therapeutic fullerenes through nanoparticles of delivery to the most state-of-the art methodologies to monitor physiological complexation of drug-like materials to their receptors.

On this page you will find information about upcoming and past events of the series

International Scientific Board of the Chemistry towards Biology conference series:

Reports of the previous conferences:

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